171 research outputs found

    Online Bipartite Matching with Advice: Tight Robustness-Consistency Tradeoffs for the Two-Stage Model

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    We study the two-stage vertex-weighted online bipartite matching problem of Feng, Niazadeh, and Saberi (SODA 2021) in a setting where the algorithm has access to a suggested matching that is recommended in the first stage. We evaluate an algorithm by its robustness RR, which is its performance relative to that of the optimal offline matching, and its consistency CC, which is its performance when the advice or the prediction given is correct. We characterize for this problem the Pareto-efficient frontier between robustness and consistency, which is rare in the literature on advice-augmented algorithms, yet necessary for quantifying such an algorithm to be optimal. Specifically, we propose an algorithm that is RR-robust and CC-consistent for any (R,C)(R,C) with 0R340 \leq R \leq \frac{3}{4} and 1R+1C=1\sqrt{1-R} + \sqrt{1-C} = 1, and prove that no other algorithm can achieve a better tradeoff

    Improved Analysis of RANKING for Online Vertex-Weighted Bipartite Matching

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    In this paper, we consider the online vertex-weighted bipartite matching problem in the random arrival model. We consider the generalization of the RANKING algorithm for this problem introduced by Huang, Tang, Wu, and Zhang (TALG 2019), who show that their algorithm has a competitive ratio of 0.6534. We show that assumptions in their analysis can be weakened, allowing us to replace their derivation of a crucial function gg on the unit square with a linear program that computes the values of a best possible gg under these assumptions on a discretized unit square. We show that the discretization does not incur much error, and show computationally that we can obtain a competitive ratio of 0.6629. To compute the bound over our discretized unit square we use parallelization, and still needed two days of computing on a 64-core machine. Furthermore, by modifying our linear program somewhat, we can show computationally an upper bound on our approach of 0.6688; any further progress beyond this bound will require either further weakening in the assumptions of gg or a stronger analysis than that of Huang et al.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    High Probability Complexity Bounds for Line Search Based on Stochastic Oracles

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    We consider a line-search method for continuous optimization under a stochastic setting where the function values and gradients are available only through inexact probabilistic zeroth and first-order oracles. These oracles capture multiple standard settings including expected loss minimization and zeroth-order optimization. Moreover, our framework is very general and allows the function and gradient estimates to be biased. The proposed algorithm is simple to describe, easy to implement, and uses these oracles in a similar way as the standard deterministic line search uses exact function and gradient values. Under fairly general conditions on the oracles, we derive a high probability tail bound on the iteration complexity of the algorithm when applied to non-convex smooth functions. These results are stronger than those for other existing stochastic line search methods and apply in more general settings

    Sample Complexity Analysis for Adaptive Optimization Algorithms with Stochastic Oracles

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    Several classical adaptive optimization algorithms, such as line search and trust region methods, have been recently extended to stochastic settings where function values, gradients, and Hessians in some cases, are estimated via stochastic oracles. Unlike the majority of stochastic methods, these methods do not use a pre-specified sequence of step size parameters, but adapt the step size parameter according to the estimated progress of the algorithm and use it to dictate the accuracy required from the stochastic approximations. The requirements on stochastic approximations are, thus, also adaptive and the oracle costs can vary from iteration to iteration. The step size parameters in these methods can increase and decrease based on the perceived progress, but unlike the deterministic case they are not bounded away from zero due to possible oracle failures, and bounds on the step size parameter have not been previously derived. This creates obstacles in the total complexity analysis of such methods, because the oracle costs are typically decreasing in the step size parameter, and could be arbitrarily large as the step size parameter goes to 0. Thus, until now only the total iteration complexity of these methods has been analyzed. In this paper, we derive a lower bound on the step size parameter that holds with high probability for a large class of adaptive stochastic methods. We then use this lower bound to derive a framework for analyzing the expected and high probability total oracle complexity of any method in this class. Finally, we apply this framework to analyze the total sample complexity of two particular algorithms, STORM and SASS, in the expected risk minimization problem

    A 4/3-Approximation Algorithm for Half-Integral Cycle Cut Instances of the TSP

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    A long-standing conjecture for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) states that the integrality gap of the standard linear programming relaxation of the TSP is at most 4/3. Despite significant efforts, the conjecture remains open. We consider the half-integral case, in which the LP has solution values in {0,1/2,1}\{0, 1/2, 1\}. Such instances have been conjectured to be the most difficult instances for the overall four-thirds conjecture. Karlin, Klein, and Oveis Gharan, in a breakthrough result, were able to show that in the half-integral case, the integrality gap is at most 1.49993. This result led to the first significant progress on the overall conjecture in decades; the same authors showed the integrality gap is at most 1.510361.5- 10^{-36} in the non-half-integral case. For the half-integral case, the current best-known ratio is 1.4983, a result by Gupta et al. With the improvements on the 3/2 bound remaining very incremental even in the half-integral case, we turn the question around and look for a large class of half-integral instances for which we can prove that the 4/3 conjecture is correct. The previous works on the half-integral case perform induction on a hierarchy of critical tight sets in the support graph of the LP solution, in which some of the sets correspond to "cycle cuts" and the others to "degree cuts". We show that if all the sets in the hierarchy correspond to cycle cuts, then we can find a distribution of tours whose expected cost is at most 4/3 times the value of the half-integral LP solution; sampling from the distribution gives us a randomized 4/3-approximation algorithm. We note that the known bad cases for the integrality gap have a gap of 4/3 and have a half-integral LP solution in which all the critical tight sets in the hierarchy are cycle cuts; thus our result is tight.Comment: Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome

    A Combinatorial Cut-Toggling Algorithm for Solving Laplacian Linear Systems

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    Over the last two decades, a significant line of work in theoretical algorithms has made progress in solving linear systems of the form ?? = ?, where ? is the Laplacian matrix of a weighted graph with weights w(i,j) > 0 on the edges. The solution ? of the linear system can be interpreted as the potentials of an electrical flow in which the resistance on edge (i,j) is 1/w(i,j). Kelner, Orrechia, Sidford, and Zhu [Kelner et al., 2013] give a combinatorial, near-linear time algorithm that maintains the Kirchoff Current Law, and gradually enforces the Kirchoff Potential Law by updating flows around cycles (cycle toggling). In this paper, we consider a dual version of the algorithm that maintains the Kirchoff Potential Law, and gradually enforces the Kirchoff Current Law by cut toggling: each iteration updates all potentials on one side of a fundamental cut of a spanning tree by the same amount. We prove that this dual algorithm also runs in a near-linear number of iterations. We show, however, that if we abstract cut toggling as a natural data structure problem, this problem can be reduced to the online vector-matrix-vector problem (OMv), which has been conjectured to be difficult for dynamic algorithms [Henzinger et al., 2015]. The conjecture implies that the data structure does not have an O(n^{1-?}) time algorithm for any ? > 0, and thus a straightforward implementation of the cut-toggling algorithm requires essentially linear time per iteration. To circumvent the lower bound, we batch update steps, and perform them simultaneously instead of sequentially. An appropriate choice of batching leads to an O?(m^{1.5}) time cut-toggling algorithm for solving Laplacian systems. Furthermore, we show that if we sparsify the graph and call our algorithm recursively on the Laplacian system implied by batching and sparsifying, we can reduce the running time to O(m^{1 + ?}) for any ? > 0. Thus, the dual cut-toggling algorithm can achieve (almost) the same running time as its primal cycle-toggling counterpart

    Proportionally Fair Online Allocation of Public Goods with Predictions

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    We design online algorithms for the fair allocation of public goods to a set of NN agents over a sequence of TT rounds and focus on improving their performance using predictions. In the basic model, a public good arrives in each round, the algorithm learns every agent's value for the good, and must irrevocably decide the amount of investment in the good without exceeding a total budget of BB across all rounds. The algorithm can utilize (potentially inaccurate) predictions of each agent's total value for all the goods to arrive. We measure the performance of the algorithm using a proportional fairness objective, which informally demands that every group of agents be rewarded in proportion to its size and the cohesiveness of its preferences. In the special case of binary agent preferences and a unit budget, we show that O(logN)O(\log N) proportional fairness can be achieved without using any predictions, and that this is optimal even if perfectly accurate predictions were available. However, for general preferences and budget no algorithm can achieve better than Θ(T/B)\Theta(T/B) proportional fairness without predictions. We show that algorithms with (reasonably accurate) predictions can do much better, achieving Θ(log(T/B))\Theta(\log (T/B)) proportional fairness. We also extend this result to a general model in which a batch of LL public goods arrive in each round and achieve O(log(min(N,L)T/B))O(\log (\min(N,L) \cdot T/B)) proportional fairness. Our exact bounds are parametrized as a function of the error in the predictions and the performance degrades gracefully with increasing errors

    Conduction of Ultracold Fermions Through a Mesoscopic Channel

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    In a mesoscopic conductor electric resistance is detected even if the device is defect-free. We engineer and study a cold-atom analog of a mesoscopic conductor. It consists of a narrow channel connecting two macroscopic reservoirs of fermions that can be switched from ballistic to diffusive. We induce a current through the channel and find ohmic conduction, even for a ballistic channel. An analysis of in-situ density distributions shows that in the ballistic case the chemical potential drop occurs at the entrance and exit of the channel, revealing the presence of contact resistance. In contrast, a diffusive channel with disorder displays a chemical potential drop spread over the whole channel. Our approach opens the way towards quantum simulation of mesoscopic devices with quantum gases